Dexter (2006): 4x4
Dex Takes a Holiday
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Dexter gets some much-needed R&R time with Rita and the kids out of town, leading to his stalking of a new victim until he unexpectedly begins to empathize with his target, a cop that murdered her family.
- 4 - 1Living the Dream 27. Sep, 2009
- 4 - 2Remains to Be Seen 04. Oct, 2009
- 4 - 3Blinded by the Light 11. Oct, 2009
- 4 - 4Dex Takes a Holiday 18. Oct, 2009
- 4 - 5Dirty Harry 25. Oct, 2009
- 4 - 6If I Had a Hammer 01. Nov, 2009
- 4 - 7Slack Tide 08. Nov, 2009
- 4 - 8Road Kill 15. Nov, 2009
- 4 - 9Hungry Man 22. Nov, 2009
- 4 - 10Lost Boys 29. Nov, 2009
- 4 - 11Hello, Dexter Morgan 06. Dec, 2009
- 4 - 12The Getaway 13. Dec, 2009
La passionnn!
nooooo!!! not expecting lundy going to die like that